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Peter Kolbe Peter Kolbe is offline
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Posts: 15
Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power

Some of the Pump motors have a slot on the back of the shaft, that you can
try turn (back and forth) with a screwdriver to free it up.

If it has a fan on the back, you can pull off the protective cover and try
turn the fan by hand (just don't undo the long screws that hold the motor


"malua mada!" wrote in message
On Jan 29, 3:09 pm, Usenet wrote:

I *still* have a problem though! When the pump is meant to kick
in, it doesn't, it merely "hums". My guess is that a month of not
working, being tipped over on it's side, and having water drained from
it, etc, has seized up the pump.

Does anyone know... what do do you turn in the pump or induction
motor in an attempt to unstick it? Here's a very amateur picture of my
machine's pump:

Make sure the pump CAN turn i.e. try to turn the impeller. There might
be a foreign object , something displaced from flipping the unit etc.
The crud in the water supply may be connected to recent freeze/ thaw.
Breaks loose all kinds of scale and rust.
Good luck

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