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malua mada! malua mada! is offline
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Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power

On Jan 29, 3:09*pm, Usenet wrote:

* * *I *still* have a problem though! *When the pump is meant to kick
in, it doesn't, it merely "hums". *My guess is that a month of not
working, being tipped over on it's side, and having water drained from
it, etc, has seized up the pump.

* * *Does anyone know... what do do you turn in the pump or induction
motor in an attempt to unstick it? *Here's a very amateur picture of my
machine's pump:

* * * * *

Make sure the pump CAN turn i.e. try to turn the impeller. There might
be a foreign object , something displaced from flipping the unit etc.
The crud in the water supply may be connected to recent freeze/ thaw.
Breaks loose all kinds of scale and rust.
Good luck