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Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power

Baron wrote:
Usenet Inscribed thus:
I've scanned and uploaded the diagram he
Find & check switch 6.

If that switch is OC the main motor will not run. The other side is via
the timer. 6th contact from left marked (1)

There is also a cutout marked 7/ that should be checked. It may be a
manual reset.

Just to get things straight: what kind of switch is this switch '6?
It's normally closed, yes? Do you think -- by it's position in the
diagram -- it's the flood protection switch?

Where would cutout 7/ be, physically? Is it on the pump itself?

Switch '6 also controls the things immediately to the right of the
main circulation pump, labelled :9, '5, and 59. These look like
solenoid-type thingies, the ones with "triangle propellers" look maybe
like valves. Are they solenoid type things? The circle labelled '30
I'm pretty sure is the drain pump (in Europe apparently it's usual to
have two separate pumps). This pump still works.

What is your guess for the thing labelled )0 off contact 13 from
the left? It must be acting as some kind of sensor, I'm thinking, by
it's position on the right of the diagram.

I've checked for continuity and there's no breaks in the wires that
I can find. However, during operation of a dishwasher cycle, no voltage
is ever given (by the brand new replacement controller!) to the main
circulation pump, as measured with a multi-meter. Therefore -- it looks
to me -- like the controller is expecting a signal to proceed, which it
never receives.

What is the symbol marked 17&, over towards the right? It looks a
bit like a Christmas cracker, so I'm hoping it's some fusey cut-out
thing. I would dearly love to know its meaning.

Having had a good look at the innards of my dishwasher, I'm not
intimidated by it anymore. They're really very straightforward things.
I can feel it's not far from working. It's really frustrating right
now, but I now feel I *can* get it working again.

... and of course, if it stops me having to wash up by hand every
day, that would be WONDERFUL!!!

