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William R. Walsh[_2_] William R. Walsh[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 204
Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power


I think you will find that you have a relay in your dishwasher with
burnt contacts. This will prevent the pump from ever getting power. If
you have an electronic set of controls, there ought to be some relays

Since you mentioned that replacing the controller board did not
resolve the problem, I would say that there is a separate power
control and distribution unit elsewhere in the unit. You should locate
this part and see what's inside or on it.

It's less likely but possible that there are fuses protecting each
major circuit in the unit. One of these may have blown. Nuisance fuse
blowing is possible but unlikely. If there is a fuse and it blew,
there is likely a fault in the circuit.

If you do end up finding that a burnt relay is the problem, you can
sometimes repair it by carefully levering the cover off the relay and
cleaning the burned contacts. Unfortunately, opening relays can
involve violence, and sometimes you just can't do it without
destroying the relay itself.

The wiring in your dishwasher should be pretty straightforward (but
this will vary depending upon how many functions it has). It should be
possible to trace out each wire and determine what it does.
