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Bud-- Bud-- is offline
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Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power

Usenet wrote:
Baron wrote:

P.S. - I have obtained the circuit diagram of my Beko dishwasher, the
logic of which was designed by the Turkish company 'Arcelik'. (I
don't understand it very well, chiefly because the diagram's labels
scrambled at some stage. And some of the symbols I don't immediately
recognize, or they're just "circles".) I would be most grateful if
someone took an informed guess as to what the components must be. I
could then relate the diagram to my actual dishwasher's control board,
components, wiring and mechanisms. Anyway, I've scanned and uploaded
the diagram he

Many thanks again.

Find & check switch 6.

Not quite sure which 6 you mean, from this unix-like reply! Surely
not the double switch labelled 06 over on the far left. You must mean
the switchy hatty little symbol at the lower left of the diagram
labelled '6. Are you thinking, like me, that this is this the
anti-flood cutoff device? There's a round grey plastic thingy located
on the bottom plate of my machine, and has a round white polystyrene
float visible in this plastic device. A bit like an thick oversized
communion wafer, if anyone remembers such things. The flood sensor
seemed OK to me, dry too.

My guess is that what you describe above is a float switch and is the
"6" symbol in the next to the bottom line at the left side (as you said
above). A possible problem is that it is not closing and the motor won't
run because the circuit does not think there is enough water. Might be
there is not enough water, or the float switch has a problem. My guess
is that is what "check switch 6" is about. [My dishwasher fills partly
on a time cycle, and a malfunctioning pressure reducer prevented a
complete fill.]

The few dishwashers in the US that I have played with have a single pump
motor (probably on pin 2 as you guess). The motor is used for drain also
- the water is pumped out. That does not seem to be consistent with your
meter measurement. If there is a second motor my guess is it is pin 13 -
could be a fan for drying.

My guess is that the rectangles with diagonal slashes (like pin 3,4,5)
are solenoids such as might be attached to fill or drain valves (which
might be pins 3,5).

Pins 12 & 16 might be switches, like a door-open switch.

If pin 11 has a heater, the lower symbol may be a temperature limit switch.

Tracing wires should tell you what the symbols are.

You might want to try newsgroup uk.d-i-y
