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Default Dishwasher not swishing: circulation pump gets no power

Baron wrote:

P.S. - I have obtained the circuit diagram of my Beko dishwasher, the
logic of which was designed by the Turkish company 'Arcelik'. (I
don't understand it very well, chiefly because the diagram's labels
scrambled at some stage. And some of the symbols I don't immediately
recognize, or they're just "circles".) I would be most grateful if
someone took an informed guess as to what the components must be. I
could then relate the diagram to my actual dishwasher's control board,
components, wiring and mechanisms. Anyway, I've scanned and uploaded
the diagram he

Many thanks again.

Find & check switch 6.

Not quite sure which 6 you mean, from this unix-like reply! Surely
not the double switch labelled 06 over on the far left. You must mean
the switchy hatty little symbol at the lower left of the diagram
labelled '6. Are you thinking, like me, that this is this the
anti-flood cutoff device? There's a round grey plastic thingy located
on the bottom plate of my machine, and has a round white polystyrene
float visible in this plastic device. A bit like an thick oversized
communion wafer, if anyone remembers such things. The flood sensor
seemed OK to me, dry too.

To complete my uploading of the timer control circuit diagram for
the Beko "DE 2541 FX" slimline dishwasher, here's what I guess are the
components attached to the PCB pins (along the top of the diagram) taken
from an earlier post of mine. Counting the pins from left to right,
here's what I *think* is attached to each:

pin 1 : main power button switch
pin 2 : motor with capacitor? dunno.
pin 3 : pump motor
pin 4 : motor (without pump?? a "load"?)
pin 5 : pump motor
pins 8-9 : God knows what
pin 11 : fuse, water-heater, normally-on microswitch
pin 12 : a normally-off safety microswitch (?)
pins 13-14: ??? (mystery circle!)
pins 15-16: a normally-off safety microswitch (?)
pins 17-18: ??? (can't find this symbol anywhere!)
pins 19-21: Thermistor circuit

At the low left of the diagram, what is the symbol marked '6?
In the middle of the diagram, is the thing labeled &2 a two way switch?

I think if I knew these things, it would help to connect (in my
understanding) the diagram and the actual wires and devices I see dotted
around the machine. I would be very grateful for any informed guesses
and suggestions from people.

Thanks for everyone's replies. I'm very encouraged by the
quick and sure response. Encouraged enough to put on my boiler suit and
disconnect the damn machine again, and go checking for continuity and
**** until I get the damn thing working again. I will follow up when I
do. It's always gratifying to come across such posts.

Many thanks again everyone,
